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How to Pass a Saliva Drug Test for a Job

The saliva drug test or mouth swab drug test is a diagnostic technique. It includes analysis of the saliva in the laboratory. As the name says the test is done to find the drug content in your saliva. Saliva drug test is oral fluid based test. It is performed by taking the residue of the drugs from the saliva of the person. It analyses the presence of Tetrahydro Cannabinol (THC), cocaine, amphetamines and opiates and other drugs present in the saliva. However, this test provides the short-term history of the drug use. So if you are going for the saliva drug test then you do not need to worry since you can evade the signs of drugs easily. There are many drug test such as urine drug test, hair drug test, sweat, alcohol and mouth swab drug test. Among all saliva drug test (mouth swab drug test) is very easy to pass. Just take a good care of your mouth and follow the following remedies to pass a saliva drug test.

How to Pass a Saliva Drug Test

Ways to Pass a Saliva Drug Test:


  • Ways to Pass a Saliva Drug Test:
    • 1.) Avoid Drugs to Pass a Saliva Drug Test
    • 2.) Flush Out the Toxins to Pass a Saliva Drug Test
    • 4.) Red Meat to Pass a Saliva Drug Test
    • 5.) Eat Fruits to Pass a Saliva Drug Test
    • 6.) Vinegar to Pass a Saliva Drug Test
    • 7.) Chew a Gum to Pass a Saliva Drug Test
    • 8.) Brush Your Teeth to Pass a Saliva Drug Test
    • 9.) Mouthwash to Pass a Saliva Drug Test
    • 10.) Consume a Balanced Diet to Pass a Saliva Drug Test

1.) Avoid Drugs to Pass a Saliva Drug Test

The best way to pass saliva drug test is avoiding the use of drugs completely. If you will not consume the drugs then the saliva drug test reports will be surely negative. Make sure that you do not use drugs especially before 4-5 days from your mouth swab drug test.

2.) Flush Out the Toxins to Pass a Saliva Drug Test

Another way to pass a saliva drug test is to flush out all the toxins from your body. This can be done by drinking lots of water. Water will help you to remove the toxins from the body. Not only water, fresh juices, coconut water and green tea will also help you in doing so. Once, all the toxins will be flushed out from the body there will be nothing left in the body and therefore, your saliva drug test reports will be negative. Drink 12-15 glasses of water in a day to clear the saliva drug test.

3.) Aspirin to Pass a Saliva Drug Test

Another remedy that can help you to cheat mouth swab drug test is aspirin. Yes, you read that right! It's aspirin. Though the use of aspirin especially orally is not safe. Nevertheless, it will help you to pass the mouth swab drug test easily. Take 2 aspirin before going for the mouth swab drug test. It will hide the signs of drugs. However, do not consume more than 2 tablets of aspirin since it is not safe for the heart.

4.) Red Meat to Pass a Saliva Drug Test

The protein rich red meat helps to normalise the creatine levels in the body, which further help to beat the saliva drug test. Apart from red meat, you can also consume other foods that are a rich source of proteins such as pulses. Start consuming a diet full of proteins before 3-4 days of your scheduled saliva drug test.

5.) Eat Fruits to Pass a Saliva Drug Test

Consume lots of fruits especially the ones which are loaded with juice. It will help you to detox your body. Apple, oranges, cranberries and fruits that have juice will help you to remove all the toxins from the body like water does. Moreover, they will keep your body hydrated. Certain studies show that drinking fruit juices help to evade the signs of the drug use. Apart from consuming fresh juices drink detox juices. It will help to flush out all the contents of drug from the body and thus you will be able to pass the saliva drug test without any problems

6.) Vinegar to Pass a Saliva Drug Test

Another remedy that can help you to pass the mouth swab drug test also known as saliva drug test is vinegar. It has certain properties that help to camouflage the signs of the drugs in the saliva. The best way to pass the saliva drug test is start drinking the solution of vinegar and water 3-4 times a day before 3-4 days of your scheduled mouth swab drug test.

7.) Chew a Gum to Pass a Saliva Drug Test

Chewing a gum that too unsweetened will also help you to cheat the saliva drug test. All you have to do is chew a gum that has good smell and test. Peppermint chewing gum is considered most effective among others. It will remove all the bad odor from your mouth and help to hide the signs of the drugs. Start chewing gums before 3-4 days of your saliva drug test.

8.) Brush Your Teeth to Pass a Saliva Drug Test

Once you get to know that you have saliva drug test start taking a good care of your mouth. Brush them 3-4 times. Use a good paste that has properties to remove all the residue of the drugs in the mouth, especially on the tongue, teeth and corners of the mouth. After brushing your teeth do not forget to clean the tongue. Brushing your teeth thoroughly will definitely help you to pass the saliva drug test without any problem.

9.) Mouthwash to Pass a Saliva Drug Test

Rinse your mouth thoroughly with toxin clearing mouthwash. You can get this mouthwash online. Such mouthwash will sanitize your saliva and mouth as well, as a result, there will be no drug found in the saliva. Rinse your mouth with a good mouthwash 3-4 times a day especially before going for the test. This will surely help you to beat the drug test without any error and problem.

10.) Consume a Balanced Diet to Pass a Saliva Drug Test

It is very important to consume a diet that is enriched with all the vital nutrients. The nutrients help to camouflage the signs of drugs in your body and mouth. While chewing fruits and vegetables, a juice is released that help to clean all the bad odour and bad contents present in the mouth. Moreover, these nutrients also help to get rid of any deficiency as well. In addition, avoid any supplements. This supplement could contain drug, so consume a specific nutrient instead. For example, if you consume Vitamin C supplements then instead of it consume fruits high in Vitamin C. This will help you clear the saliva drug test without any ordeal.

Other Useful Tips to Pass a Saliva Drug Test:

  • Avoid smoking and alcohol completely.
  • Avoid strenuous exercise before 48 hours of the saliva drug test.
  • Consume foods rich in Vitamin B complex in each meal before 48 hours of the test.
  • Try to schedule the test in the afternoon.
  • Pass the urine 6-8 times a day.
  • Make sure that your diet is enriched with proteins and carbohydrates.
  • Avoid sweets and foods that have sugar,
  • Consume detoxifying products
  • Drink plenty of fresh juices, especially water.
  • Do not skip your meals and especially your breakfast.
  • Do not stress yourself. Be calm  and relax.
  • Use diuretics to pass drug test

How to Pass a Saliva Drug Test for a Job
