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Pictures of Different Types of Clematis


What Group Is My Clematis?

Once you know the group, you can prune accordingly

Clematis varieties are classified into three groups according to blooming time and characteristics: Group 1 (spring bloomers), Group 2 (repeat bloomers), and Group 3 (summer or fall bloomers). Each group has its own pruning protocol; see Pruning Clematis for detailed information on timing and techniques.

Group 1 clematis (spring bloomers)

C. alpina
'Burford White'
'Franci Rivis'
'Jacqueline du Pré'
'Pamela Jackman'
'Rosy Pagoda'
'White Columbine'
C. alpina subsp. sibirica
'White Moth'
C. armandii
'Apple Blossom'
C. chiisanensis
C. chrysocoma
and cvs.

C. cirrhosa
C. cirrhosa var. balearica
C. columbiana
C. finetiana
C. foetida
C. forsteri
C. gentianoides
C. japonica
C. macropetala
and cvs.

'Blue Bird'
'Maidwell Hall'
'Markham's Pink'
C. marata
C. marmoraria
C. meyeniana
C. montana
and cvs.
f. grandiflora
'Picton's Variety'
C. napaulensis
C. petriei
C. phlebantha
C. quinquefoliolata
C. spooneri
C. uncinata
. × vedrariensis and cvs.


Group 2 clematis (repeat bloomers)

Clematis 'Nelly Moser'
Photo/Illustration: Jennifer Benner

C. florida
C. patens

'Alice Fisk'
'Barbara Dibley'
'Barbara Jackman'
'Beauty of Richmond'
'Beauty of Worcester'
'Bees' Jubilee'
'Belle Nantaise'
'Belle of Woking'
'Capitaine Thuilleaux'
'Countess of Lovelace'
'Crimson King'
'C. W. Dowman'
'Daniel Deronda'
'Dr. Ruppel'
'Duchess of Edinburgh'
'Duchess of Sutherland'
'Édouard Defossé'
'Elsa Späth' (syn. 'Xerxes')
'Empress of India'
'Étoile de Malicorne'
'Étoile de Paris'
'Fair Rosamond'
'Fairy Queen'
'General Sikorski'
'Gillian Blades'
'Gladys Picard'
'Haku Ookan'
'Herbert Johnson'
'H.F. Young'
'Horn of Plenty'
'Jackmanii Alba'
'Jackmanii Rubra'
'James Mason'
'Joan Picton'
'John Paul II'
'John Warren'
'Kathleen Dunford'
'Kathleen Wheeler'
'Keith Richardson'
'Ken Donson'
'King Edward VII'
'King George V'
'Kiri Te Kawana'
'Lady Caroline Nevill'
'Lady Londesborough'
'Lady Northcliffe'
'Lincoln Star'
'Lord Nevill'
'Louise Rowe'
'Marie Boisselot'
'Miriam Markham'
'Miss Bateman'
'Miss Crawshay'
'Mrs. Bush'
'Mrs. Cholmondeley'
'Mrs. Hope'
'Mrs. George Jackman'
'Mrs. James Mason'
'Mrs. N. Thompson'
'Mrs. P.B. Truax'
'Mrs. Spencer Castle'
'Nelly Moser'
'Peveril Pearl'
'Princess of Wales'
'Prins Hendrik'
'Richard Pennell'
'Scartho Gem'
'Sealand Gem'
'Silver Moon'
'Sir Garnet Wolseley'
'Snow Queen'
'Susan Allsop'
'Sylvia Denny'
'The President'
'Veronica's Choice
'Violet Charm'
'Violet Elizabeth'
'Vyvyan Pennell'
'Wada's Primrose'
'Walter Pennell'
'W.E. Gladstone'
'Wilhelmina Tull'
'Will Goodwin'
'William Kennett'

Group 3 clematis (summer or fall bloomers)

C. addisonii
C. aethusifolia
C. apiifolia
C. brachiata
C. buchananiana
C. campaniflora
C. chinensis
C. connata
C. crispa
 × durandii
C. × eriostemon
C. flammula
C. fruticosa
C. fusca
C. heracleifolia
C. integrifolia
'Pastel Pink'
C. × jouiniana
C. ladakhiana
C. ochroleuca
C. orientalis
'Bill MacKenzie'
C. pitcheri
C. potaninii
(syn. C. fargesii var. souliei)
C. recta
C. rehderiana
C. serratifolia
C. songarica
C. stans
C. tangutica
C. tangutica
var. obtusiuscula
C. terniflora
(syn. C. paniculata)
C. texensis
'Duchess of Albany'
'Étoile Rose'
'Gravetye Beauty'
'Lady Bird Johnson'
'Sir Trevor Lawrence'
C. tibetana
C. versicolor
C. viorna
C. vitalba
C. viticella
'Alba Luxurians'
'Little Nell'
'Margot Koster'
'Purpurea Plena Elegans'
'Royal Velours'
'Venosa Violacea'
'Blue Boy'
'Comtesse de Bouchaud'
'Edward Prichard'
'Ernest Markham'
'Gipsy Queen'
'Guiding Star'
'Hagley Hybrid'
'John Huxtable'
'Lady Betty Balfour'
'Mme. Baron Veillard'
'Mme. Édouard André'
'Mme. Grangé'
'Mme. Julia Correvon'
'Margaret Hunt'
'Mrs. Robert Brydon'
'Perle d'Azur'
'Pink Fantasy'
'Prince Charles'
'Rouge Cardinal'
'Star of India'
'Ville de Lyon'
'Warszawska Nike'

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Pictures of Different Types of Clematis
